Help your borrowers close the loop on business credit.

Give your borrowers access to their commercial credit scores and help them see how paying their loan impacts their credit history.

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What's Included

Give borrowers access to exclusive tools to manage thier  business credit.

Loan payment history

Show borrowers how each loan payment gets reported to the business credit bureaus.

Business credit monitoring

Provide borrowers with access to their business credit scores and detailed reports.

Business credit education

Borrowers also get access to our educational programs about business credit to discover how it differs from personal credit.

Help your borrowers take control of their business credit jourey.

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The Importance of Business Credit

Invest in your borrower's future business success.

Illustration of two business men shaking hands

Reward your best borrowers with business credit history.

Building a history of loan payments helps the credit bureaus know that they're a trustworthy borrower.

Help them track and grow their scores.

As they build more history of payments for your loan, the credit bureaus will update their business credit scores to reflect their business's ability to pay on time.

Illustration of a woman watering a plant that grows dollar-based rewards.

Support and retain your best customers

A higher business credit score allows you to offer more favorable products and terms with them in the future.

Request a demo today, and see how Hansa cna help your borrowers.

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